I've spent time praying about my relationship with my children lately for many reasons. I love both of them dearly and enjoy them, but was finding too many moments of not feeling a lot of joy too. I realized I was often distracted by my own thoughts or to-do list and not fully present when with them. I have asked God to reveal to me what might be in the way of me not being able to be present with them and enjoy them. And of course, God listens to my prayers. He provides answers although not always in the ways I might anticipate!
One of the major things I was already aware of was busyness. Just. being. busy. Too much going on! So I have prayed against busyness. I have asked God to unrush me and my life and to slow me down. And I am seeing each day how He is doing that. Of course some of it is up to me and the choices I make. I have to use the word "no". But He is creative and good.
A few weeks ago, my youngest asked if I would walk to pick him up from school and I told him I would. The first day I could have done this, I didn't because I was trying to do too many things before I picked him up and ran out of time. I showed up in the car pick-up line. He was clearly disappointed :( I was convicted and decided I would make it more of a priority the next opportunity I had. So, the next day I picked him up, I walked to the school. He was delighted! :) The smile on his face was priceless!
We took our time walking home. I asked him questions. I took time to listen. I was fully present with him. It was beautiful. I found great JOY in slowing down and looking at the leaves. We stopped to step on them. We stopped to take pictures of leaves and flowers. We smelled things. It was delightful. He said he liked it a lot and wanted me to do it again. When I asked what he liked about walking, he said "when we drive in the car, everything goes by fast. When we walk, we slow down and look at all of God's beautiful creations." Oh, how young ones often speak truth so clearly!
"10. Show Up - Most of us go through life half-present. But your child has only about 900 weeks of childhood with you before he leaves your home. He'll be gone before you know it. Try this as a practice: When you're engaged with your child, just be right here, right now. You won't be able to do it all the time. But if you do it every day for a bit, you'll find yourself doing it more and more. Because you'll find it creates those moments with your child that make your heart melt." - this was #10 from an article titled 10 Habits to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Child on a parenting blog
I have been doing little things like this more since then and really enJOYing the moments. I feel deeper connections with both of my children and I feel blessed. Slowing down and showing up to be the mom I want to be is important for my children and for me. I'm thankful that Father God does this for us too! He is always ready to spend time with us, to listen to us, to share joy with us, to delight in us! Thank you Jesus.
Say that again Warrior Sisters - slow down and show up and find the JOY in relationships!