Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fathers and Wisdom

 let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance
Proverbs 1:5 

Listen and learn.  Pay attention.  Seek guidance. 
I've been praying a lot about wisdom lately, that God would grant it to me in every area of my life.  I've also started reading my way through Proverbs again, the book of wisdom.  In my Student Bible, there are introductions to each book.  For the book of Proverbs, part of the introduction is titled "A Father's Guidance".  It says "Proverbs is probably the most down-to-earth book in the Bible...The book offers the warm advice you get by growing up in a good family."

I've reflected a lot on the people God has used in my life to help me gain wisdom.  People I have learned from.  My dad is one of those people who has generously and patiently shared much wisdom with me.  Throughout my life, I recall numerous ways he taught my brother and I about little things and big things.  This week I was reminded of him teaching me how to check the oil in my car when the engine started making a funny noise and then the oil pan light lit up on the dashboard.  I quickly realized we hadn't paid as much attention as we should to the maintenance of our car!  (foolish!)  My husband has been out of town so he couldn't do anything about it.  I could have asked others to help me.  Yet I was able to check it and add oil to the engine on my own because my dad taught me how when I was younger.

My dad spent much of his adult life in a career as a stock broker/investment representative.  Whenever I hear the word "investment", I think of my dad.  He taught me a lot about finances and making wise decisions.  He taught me about budgeting, saving, investing, giving and also spending.  My dad also invested a lot in parenting.  Now that I am a parent, I have an even greater appreciation for all that he did.  And I'm sure there is a lot I don't even know about or wasn't aware of him doing.  I do know he sought wisdom from others and read a lot of books.  He spent time with us.  He showed us how to do things.  He was patient with us.  He encouraged us.  He let us try.  He let us fail.  He loved us no matter what and we always knew it.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
Proverbs 3:3-4

I'm beyond thankful for the relationship I still have with my dad.  Recently we were at our family cabin together and he said something to me about how he learns from me (it was in relation to healthy eating...I'm kind of passionate about food and feeding my family well!).  What a blessing it was to me to know that I can help him too.   I'm grateful to God, our Heavenly Father, for blessing me with such a wonderful and wise earthly father.  Father's Day seems like the perfect time to honor my dad and thank him for the influence he has on my life.  Dad, may we continue to grow in our knowledge and fear of the Lord together, gaining wisdom, discernment and guidance along the way - from each other, other people and Our Father.  I love you Daddy and I love you Jesus!