Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend Gratitude 4-13-14

Thank God no matter what happens
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (The Message)

I like to be thankful, at all times.  Sometimes are harder than others.  Yesterday we were zooming off to the second soccer field for the day and I had carefully placed my full cup of smoothie on my lap so I could put on my sunglasses.  A car pulled out in front of my husband and he had to brake hard and quick to avoid a collision.  My smoothie cup continued moving forward as law of motion would have it and it ended up on the seat and all over the bag full of snacks for all the little soccer players.  Ugh!  I had a partial container of wet wipes in the car and my husband pulled into a gas station parking lot for me to grab some more paper towels.  I spent the rest of the drive doing my best to clean up the mess and wipe off the snacks and drinks so they wouldn't be so sticky.  Before we arrived at the soccer field, we were all singing random versions of a banana song and laughing.  It was good.

"God is good... at all times.  And at all times...God is good."  This is a line heard many times in the movie God's Not Dead which we recently went to see.  There were some really tough, emotional things that happened to characters in the movie and I won't spoil the movie for you by telling you all of them (although I do encourage you to go see it!).  There are tough things that happen to each of us in life.  I've lived through many periods of brokenness, sadness, frustration, fear and doubt.  Sometimes it takes longer, but I'm always able to look back and be thankful.  A big tough thing for me was living through breast cancer surgeries and treatments in my late 20's.  I'm thankful for all the blessings God placed in my life during that journey, thankful that I'm still alive and that I celebrated 40 years of life a few months ago.  I think life continues to get better although still no guarantees about easy.

As I reflect on my day yesterday and the smoothie mess, I'm thankful for many things:

  1. I woke up early in my home and had the freedom to sit and read my Bible
  2. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping
  3. I'm married to a wonderful man and have 2 healthy children
  4. It was sunny and not cold and not raining for our first day of spring soccer! (unusual in north Idaho)
  5. I have plenty of food in my home to feed my family 
  6. My husband hit the brakes and I got a smoothie mess instead of all of us having a car accident
  7. We still made it to soccer on time and the snacks and drinks were all wiped up
  8. We were able to sing and be silly in the midst of the little mess
  9. We were together as a family in our car that we are blessed to drive
  10. Oh, did I mention that I'm thankful that God is good... at all times!  And at all times... God is good!
I've been paying a lot of attention to song lyrics lately and may continue to add links to my posts with songs that I really like.  Francesca Battistelli has a great song that has come to mind many times lately when I have felt frustrated over little things - and even when I've felt big emotions over bigger things.
It is called This Is The Stuff  
One line says: "in the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed"

Whether it is battling breast cancer or wiping up sticky smoothie messes on our way to soccer games, I don't want to ever forget how big I'm blessed!  I am going to follow another blogging friend who writes weekly gratitude posts so I can continue to notice and share the ways in my life that I am thankful and where I see God at work.  Check back to see what I share and please share a comment about what you are thankful for in your life!  I'd love to hear and praise God with you - for the little things and the big things too.

Warrior Sister Saints, Say that Again -- God is good... at all times.   And at all times... God is GOOD!

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