Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Beginnings

Welcome to my first ever typed-out blog post!  I've composed many blog posts in my head, but never written them out.  So on the first day of a new year, this begins a new season for me, a new chapter in my life.   I am choosing the word Author to focus on for a while - to write about, pray about and see how God will use it in my life.  He is The Author and has written my story.  I look forward to seeing how He will write through me.

I have been contemplating this blogging thing for a while and have put it off.  I have a bad habit of putting things off.  Yes, I procrastinate.  It's an addiction for me.  I've spent a lot of time trying to figure this out and have asked for God to reveal truth to me.  At the beginning of last year, I chose the word "order" and asked God to bring order to my life, order to my thoughts, order to my steps each day.  I picked the word order because I often do not feel like things are in order in my life.  Despite not liking to live amongst clutter, I continue to make piles of stuff.  My husband is mildly annoyed by this habit, but mostly laughs and jokes with me about it and tries to encourage me.  God has helped me with order in my life over the last year in different ways than I expected.  So far, my habit of pile making hasn't changed a whole lot, but I see how God has helped me find order in many other areas of my life, and it is good.

In focusing on the word Author and seeing how I have put off blogging, I have prayed about this too.  I have discovered that even though I used to think I didn't worry about the opinions of others, that I really do.  Sometimes I live in fear of what others might think or if I will disappoint them.  Really as a daughter of the King, I only need to be concerned with what He thinks.  A friend recently reminded me that even when I make mistakes and even when I am afraid, that God is not disappointed in me.  I cried as I listened to her and I questioned that.  I am working to accept that Truth is truth regardless of how I feel.  God loves me and accepts me completely and unconditionally!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..."

So, I am stepping out in faith, asking Him for courage and boldness in writing.  Since He is the Author and he does deliver on His promises, I trust He will continue to guide me.  He will write through me!  He has written my life story.  He knows all the details.  He knows the changes to come.  He knows what I need.  He is Amazing!  And I am thankful.

In Hebrews 12, we are told that Jesus is the author and perfector of faith.  As I reflect on my life and also look ahead, I am glad this is true.  As the new year begins, I am excited about the possibilities to come in my life story.  How about you?

Warrior Sister Saints, Say that Again - He is the Author of my life and I am thankful!

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